Combustion Choreography: Timing Belt Replacement at Charlie's Fast Lube Sparta in Sparta
July 28, 2019
Have you ever seen a ballet performance? Have you wondered how all of those dancers manage to travel all over the stage jumping and twirling and never crash into each other? That's the job of a choreographer.Our auto engines are also highly choreographed. Pistons travel up and down inside cylinde... More

Time for Differential Service at Charlie's Fast Lube Sparta?
July 21, 2019
Hello Sparta - let's talk differentials. If you have a rear-wheel drive vehicle, your differential is on the back axle. With front-wheel drive cars, the differential is up front. All-wheel drive and 4-wheel drive vehicles have three differentials - front, rear and in the middle. So you see, you'... More

What is a TSB? (Technical Service Bulletins)
July 14, 2019
If your vehicle had something in its design or production that the manufacturer had figured out had an unanticipated problem, you'd want to know about it. And you'd want it fixed. There is something that can help drivers with just such a scenario. It's called a Technical Service Bulletin, or TSB.... More

Questions to Ask Your Sparta Service Advisor
July 7, 2019
We find that a lot of Sparta drivers are a little tentative when they talk with their automotive advisors. They want to ask questions but don't want to be embarrassed or seem pushy. Vehicles are very complicated and there's more to know about them than most of us have the time to learn. Maybe it'... More