Automotive Tips from Charlie's Fast Lube Sparta: Tire Replacement Overview
August 25, 2019
Tires are an expensive purchase, so knowing when tires should be replaced is important for Sparta drivers. Tires will just wear out with normal use. The depth of the tread on your tire determines how well it will stop, start and steer especially in wet conditions. 4/32th of an inch (3.2 mm) of t... More

Sparta Tire Repair
August 18, 2019
Most Sparta residents have experienced a flat tire. You know it's inconvenient and a pain. Our tires are important. Keeping them in good working order isn't just a big safety issue for Sparta drivers it also has a financial impact. With high Illinois gas prices, we've all heard about the import... More

Sparta Road Trip Preparation
August 11, 2019
People from Sparta, Illinois, love their cars. And nothing goes with cars better than a Illinois road trip. Freedom from daily schedules, new sights and the open road it's great! But there's nothing like car trouble to bring the fun to a grinding halt.You can't always avoid problems, but you ca... More

Should Sparta Soccer Moms Follow the Severe Service Schedule?
August 4, 2019
So you take your vehicle in for maintenance and the pro at Charlie's Fast Lube Sparta tells you that you ought to change your oil more often. What? You followed the maintenance schedule but you take a second look at that severe service schedule and see some of the following: 1. Most of your trip... More